Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Final Animation

For this animation I wanted to do something complex and interesting with the model that I had created for the midterm.  Its shape and human appearance made it perfect for movement and doing human-like actions thus I wanted to build a scene involving them.  I thought a fight scene would prove to be interesting and somewhat challenging.

In order to prepare for this animation and all of the movement involved I looked to video games for inspiration and reference for motion and actions.  I tried to make the scene feel as natural as possible focusing on what exactly they were doing while I worked while having a general idea of what I was going to do with my characters.

I started by creating a character model in Blender, a program I am more suited and comfortable with.  The character was then exported as a .obj file and imported into the scene of Maya.  The character was originally created for the midterm but I really enjoyed the outcome of the model so I wanted to reuse it for the final project.

Boxing gloves were created in order to make better looking hands and add to the scene of the animation in order to aid the story and add more to the scene.

Once the characters were in the animation the scene itself was built.  I made it a boxing ring to suit the kind of animation I wanted to create.  The ring is simple polygons with textures.

 I then found appropriate textures to suit the scene and bring the look of the animation together.

 And then I begun animating

The animation was done using a bone rig in the character model and setting key frames to pivot and rotate the form in order to get the desired motion while maintaining body shape.

One problem I ran into during my animation process was slight deformities from moving parts of the figure.

I really liked the way that the scene itself turned out and the way that the models fit into the environment.  Animating this was fun and I am very proud of the way that it looks.  If I could I would make the walking at the beginning of the animation better as well as fixing the green characters arm as it flails after the first punch lands.  If I were to continue working on this I would improve on the motion of the characters that I already have in here as well as elongating the scene itself.

Sunday, March 20, 2016


For my midterm I wanted to show a man standing in front of a chair looking off into the distance in order to use lighting, show texturing and modeling, as well as tell a story.

Design Storyboard and rough sketch.

Research on rigging was done for correctly animating and positioning the character.

I thought that making everything as dark as possible as well as putting shadow on the character's face would really add to the mood of this piece.

I think this project turned out rather well.  I love how the model turned out proportion wise as well as just the overall look.  The scene looks dramatic and tells an interesting story and i learned a lot more about maya in the process of this assignment.  I do however wish I could have animated the model and made this a more lively piece but every time the frame changed the model would break and contort in an unfix able way, making it impossible to animate.  Next time I would love to make a more animated piece but all in all I am rather pleased with the results I did get.